Emperor Massage

Specializing in:
Swedish relation
Sports Massage
Deep Tissue/Trigger point

Swedish massage

Probably the most popular massage technique combines several techniques including kneading, rolling, effleurage, petrissage, friction, to release stress and tension reduction, improve circulation and blood flow, and remove toxic wastes, tone muscles. Strokes flow toward the heart while circulation increases without increasing pulse rate.

Price: 1 Hour $80 1 ½ hour $100 30mins $60

Deep Tissue

This type of massage goes beyond the surface of the skin and underlying soft tissue to deep areas of the muscle and right to the “belly” of the muscle. As the name suggests, “deep” is the key word here. This type of massage also involves the manipulation of the fascia. Fascia is like a web that runs through the entire body. This is connective tissue.

Price: 1 Hour $801 ½ hour $100 30mins $60

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage have the following effects:
Lowered anxiety, Decreased back and legpain,
Improved sleep, Decreased levels of the stress hormone. Increased levels of the "feel-good" hormones. Decreased levels of cortisol. An overall improvement in mood
Pregnancy Massage uses Swedish massage techniques.

Price: 1 Hour $65 30mins $35

Sports Massage

Sports massage is used as a preventive medicine for many athletes before, during and after sporting events. This before a event can prepare the athlete for increased performance. During events to keep the muscles loosened and warmed up to reduce injuries and after a hard workout to rid the body of stress, relieve fatigue and remove toxins and by-products the body produces in strenuous activity. Massage can make the training and body building experience much more effective.

Price: 1 Hour $80 30mins $60

Trigger Point

Muscle knots, myofascial trigger points and myofascial pain all have one thing in common - it can cause excruciating pain. Trigger Point or Trigger Point Myotherapy is designed to treat and reduce myofascial pain. Trigger point compression is used to reduce swelling, tension, stiffness and pain while increasing range of motion, flexibility, circulation and endurance. At times it is difficult to pin point the exact trigger point location because of the referred pain it can produce. Activating the trigger point can be achieved by the therapist using pressure from the hands, knuckles, elbows or knees.

Price: 1 Hour $80 1 ½ hour $100 30mins $60
